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I hope you’re doing well now after your Covid bout! I had one in early December, and while it was mild, I still don’t feel quite right…

Which sucks, especially because it’s the home stretch for Christmas now, and due to being sick (and generalized procrastination) I did NOT have enough time to get stuff done. Right now, there’s a small heap of half-wrapped presents looking at me, and a wholly unpacked suit case for travelling to home town tomorrow. I just can’t make myself do it right now. Thank god we’re not hosting.

Also, my partner is barely able to function during December due to Christmas-related family trauma resurfacing, and while it’s getting better each year, nearly all of the emotional (and actual) christmas-related labour falls to me, while trying my best to be there for them. And also for myself, since I’m not doing so well this year, either.

But I also know that it’s gonna be fine and relaxed and nice as soon as we’ve arrived. There are fun activities planned, and plenty of down-time and meeting with old friends, and I’m really looking forward to it. Just need to get over the last hurdles in a mad dash.

Also, it’s winter solstice tomorrow, so additionally, sunlight-and-thus-seasonal-depression-wise, better days are ahead!


Musste bei deinem Post sofort an diese beiden Nudelaufläufe denken, die keinen Käse drüber brauchen und wo man die kleinen Mengen Milch- oder Milchersatzprodukte ziemlich gut ersetzen kann, ohne den Geschmack völlig zu verändern - und die ich persönlich echt richtig lecker finde!



Ich glaube, ihr findet Möglichkeiten :)


This happens to me with surprising regularity… HOWEVER - I recently managed to do a chore after 9 months of procrastination, and while it did only take 15 minutes, those minutes sucked so bad that, for a change, I felt really justified in putting it off as long as I did. So it can go either way, I guess!


I just want to declare my intention to chill the fuck out until the new year!

Currently on the sofa, sipping coffee, alternatingly reading a book and browsing lemmy. Might get up and have a shower later, and that concludes today’s business. I am pleased.


Yes, she is! I personally am just so glad I could help at all and not have her watch go through that ordeal by herself… and to have managed to make a significant difference for her, she says. That doesn’t always happen when trying to help and support, and I am so happy that this time, it did :)


I have received the result of my ADHD diagnostics, and did not receive the diagnosis for various reasons. Those reasons are valid when viewed through the lense of a diagnostician and I understand why the decision is being made that way. But I still do have many of the symptoms and problems in every day life, which fit the bill (also according to the diagnostics, but that’s not enough), and the alternative explanation they offered is basically ineffable due to lack of research, and in practice this just means that I will not have access to med treatment, even though they might still be helpful. In truth, I think I’m mostly disappointed that I cannot benefit from the well-established treatment protocol for ADHD, and don’t know how hopeful I can now be to get a handle on my life at any point in the future.

I don’t stand alone in this, my therapist is still going to give me a cognitive-behavioural training designed to help with executive function deficits. And I have already learned, that I’m allowed to stay 'round here even without the label. :)

But together with some other stressful stuff happening, I’m not doing so well, I think.


Anyone else? Yes.

(Thanks for the reminder! :D)


This week as well as last week, I am still waiting for my diagnostic report to tell me if I have ADHD or not - the sessions were in September. The wait time has been announced, but I am still impatient, which is kinda fitting, I guess… While it is clear to me, my therapist and the diagnostician that I likely have some kind of neurodivergence, it’s not quite clear if ADHD is the ticket. Which also makes sense - if it was super-obvious, somebody would have noticed before my thirties, I hope. I guess I’ll know soon enough.

Either way, I still find the ADHD communities such as this one very, very relatable, so if it’s alright, I’ll just stay on even if I didn’t meet the diagnostic criteria. :)


Pilzzucht ist voll spannend - und lecker! :D Also definitiv ein Thema, dass ein aktives sublemmy verdient :)

Danke für den Tip! Ich hatte mir schon gedacht, dass es eigentlich durch ist, aber den Holzpellet-trick können wir auf jeden Fall nach dem Urlaub ausprobieren. Jeder Austernpilz ist ein guter Austernpilz. Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden!

Oh, aber anschlussfrage - sollten noch mal welche kommen, gibt es eine anfängerfreundliche Möglichkeit, die Sporen daraus zu gewinnen um mit frischem substrat neu anzufangen (quasi den Fruchtkörper seinen eigentlich job machen zu lassen), oder ist das eher die hohe schule?
