I have largely the same opinion as the accepted answer on this RPG Stackexchange post.
That is, while the enemy is paying attention to you, you are not stealthed, you would not be able to sneakily snatch a pouch or unused weapons. But you can try to cut the straps holding them.
Personally, I would probably rule it like this:
If you actually try to go close in and grab a pouch and hold it in your hands, then after the Sleight of Hand check they get an opportunity attack on you, because you are focused on trying to snatch an object. They notice that opening to strike. And it would use their reaction. But again, this is my personal opinion.
I would love to hear the story of how it went if you are down
Don’t know if it’s succesful, but definitely just straight up stupid.
The are many places where it’s not even allowed because it does not meet the local safety and protection standards. It’s a fundamentally unsafe design, especially for the people outside of it. It should not be allowed on the roads, and the EU agrees with this.
Even if it was allowed within the EU, you would need a special driver’s licence for it.
I don’t understand why you are treating me like a robot. However, I can help with the Fibonacci sequence. Here is a Python 3 function to calculate it:
def fibonacci(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in range(n):
a, b = b, a + b
return a
Here is how you can use it:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(fibonacci(3)) # 2
True. I love how AoC is a hotbed for creative and/or insane ways of solving coding problems.
If you wanna check out how it goes in Nix:
That is basically the problem. Also that fractional scaling on Linhx generally still gives blurry results. Fractional scaling without explicit support from the apps side is very difficult to implement.
And yes, there are a ton of of apps that don’t correctly respect OS hints for size. Even more common among apps that aren’t Linux first, or are proprietary.