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Developer and refugee from Reddit

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Suggesting that a war should be waged against the democratically-elected government of the United States seems… Well, it seems kinda treason-y to me. Just a smidge.


I won’t go after anyone for dressing however they want. Obsessing over someone else’s choice of clothing is weird.

I will, however, go after fucking hypocrites for their hypocrisy. And JD… you’re a fucking hypocritical piece of shit.


We as a country need to understand that to these MAGA weirdos, violence is acceptable and even encouraged.

We also need to figure out what Trump broke in the Secret Service and fix it, because this shit is pure incompetence.


This is part of a statement put out by Chris LaCivita, a Trump campaign spokestroll:

For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country.

I don’t know what makes me angrier, his assault on the English language (it’s “hallowed,” you utter dipshit), or his pathetic attempt at DARVO.


I don’t think “hey everyone, let’s make fun of a disabled 17-year-old tearfully expressing love for his father” is gonna play as well as they thought.


At this point, I’m not sure why anyone would actually buy a Tesla. The alternatives are far less expensive, the “features” of a Tesla are unpolished and dangerous, and the money doesn’t go to a megalomaniac with a god complex.


Honestly, he’s never been a Democrat or a Republican. Even now, if you go by what the Republican party was before he took it over. He’s always been a Trumpist, nothing more and nothing less. He cares solely, without exception, for one thing: Donald Trump.


I actually hate this headline and story. It should have solely focused on what Walz said, and avoided mention of the other guy, too.


“He does not think in a complex way at all.”

And believe it or not, that right there is the reason his base is so rabid in its support for him.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Trump supporter. Life has kicked you in the teeth repeatedly, and you’re not bright enough or educated enough to recognize when it’s been self-induced and when it’s been caused by someone else. Chains of complex causality elude your understanding. The world seems complicated and mystifying, and all the Kids These DaysTM are talking in ways you don’t understand about subjects that confuse you. You’re not what anyone would call a “nuanced thinker,” and maybe you legitimately don’t even know what the word “nuance” means.

You view the world through a lens of black and white morality, and complex moral questions feel like confusing wordplay to you. You latch onto a form of religious faith that draws bold lines between Good and Evil. And you are instantly and immediately worshipful of anyone who tells you they have all the answers and can make the way you see morality into reality, and can solve the world’s problems with simple solutions. It’s even better if they tell you those problems aren’t real. It’s comforting in a confusing world.

You look at politicians like Kamala Harris and they say things that confuse you. You’ve heard of “word salad,” so you mock her for it, when what’s actually going on is that you can’t comprehend what she says. Sure, you also frequently can’t understand the sentences Donald Trump says, either, but he uses simple words, and if you focus, you can make the words mean something to you, and that’s enough. He’s like you, but he has the power to affect the confusing world and make it make some kind of sense. The ideas he presents to you - whether it’s “build the wall” or “tax cuts” - are simple enough for you to grasp.

And that makes you feel smart. You can basically figure out what he wants, and it’s the same things you want: Simple, sound-byte-sized solutions. Chanting them makes you feel good. So you’ll follow him to the ends of the Earth.

Edit: I want to make something clear. I don’t think these people are inherently stupid. I think they’ve been raised badly, they’ve been brainwashed by the “Fox News” infotainment channel, and they’ve been intentionally miseducated by nearly everyone in their lives.

Imagine you were raised specifically to not understand how computers work, and to believe that anything complicated anyone does on one is either a) gibberish, or b) magic. Then someone shows you a computer up-close for the first time. Not only are you not going to be able to comprehend the “desktop” metaphor, you’ll probably believe all this talk about “windows” and closing or opening applications is just word salad. It won’t mean anything to you.


Great. Glad to hear it. But don’t get complacent. Remind yourself that polls can change fast, and polling itself is a troubled science right now because of the difficulties involved in getting a statistically significant and unbiased sample with the advent of universal cellphones.
