A tip is to host your own domain at an e-mail provider that allow you to receive e-mail for any recipient in a single mailbox (i.e. catch-all or wildcard), and use the following alias format when signing up at different websites or services:
This allows you to filter incoming e-mail by which website/service you signed up for, regardless of what domain they send e-mail from (it can be different for account notifications vs newsletters etc.).
It will also help you detect if they have sold your contact details or had a data breach without announcing it publicly, since you wouldn’t use that specific e-mail alias elsewhere.
Not an answer your question, but urlscan
works quite nicely for finding and listing URL:s burrowed in the HTML part of messages:
It can also open or copy to clipboard when pressing the number associated with the URL, if configured so.
Good idea to open HTML attachments in an isolated browser. I normally open them in lynx but sometimes it doesn’t work as intended.
For any (neo)mutt users out there, you can configure this quite nicely by defining your MIME handlers in ~/.mailcap
text/html; firejail --net=none [...]
Then bind your Enter key to open attachments via mailcap:
bind attach <return> view-mailcap
Awesome! Pun intended…
Expanding to utils for enhancing your general shell experience: https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell
Good point! The details for each app are crowdsourced and can be submitted via the instructions here. However, the default templates does not include any mention of root status.
The maintainer of the site can be reached via any medium listed here if anyone would like to suggest updating the templates to include root status.