
Dragon "Rider"(drag)

1 posts • 84 comments

Xi rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. xi/drag person-independent pronouns. That means xi’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.

Direct message

Drag wants to complain about bathrooms at schools. If we segregate the bathrooms at schools, we’re teaching kids that segregation is okay. We should be preparing the next generation to have less hangups and weird behaviour than we do. The kids already all have mixed gender bathrooms at home. They won’t think anything of desegregating bathrooms, and it’ll create a less sexist society.


Drag looked up adventurism in Oxford Dictionary and read that it’s “the willingness to take risks in business or politics; actions or attitudes regarded as reckless or potentially hazardous.” Drag disagrees with you and likes adventurism. But drag agrees with you on mutual aid and supporting the regime, which is why drag does mutual aid and does not support or legitimise the Democrats. Drag is not sure why we seem to be disagreeing right now.


Drag is not very smart, so drag can’t extrapolate your comment into a specific answer to drag’s question. Drag would like a yes or no, to whether you would rather America be a monarchy than its current electoral system.


Drag thought you were saying mutual aid is bad. Drag apologises for being confused.


How will you fight a war without soldiers? Drag teaches a class on transgender voice training, so that the trans comrades don’t feel like they have to kill themselves. Drag is a medic, keeping the soldiers healthy for the class war. That is what mutual aid means. How will you fight a war without medics? How will you fight a war without healthy soldiers? The logistical structures of mutual aid will become the logistical structures of the revolution. But you will not succeed if you ask people to give their lives for the cause without helping them. We will care for people, and in so doing teach them how an anarchist society can care for them. And we will care for them while they fight. What is the alternative? Dead comrades who died of exposure because they were homeless? Of suicide because they were dysphoric? Of drought because we did not care for the environment while they were alive? Wars are not just fighting. Infantry wins battles. Logistics wins wars.

Drag also sees that you are not engaging with drag’s points about the electoral system not being on our side. Drag asks you to be brave, please.


Drag doesn’t care who sees what as activism. Drag cares if leftists are doing things. Drag cares about vandalising cars, and reducing animal consumption, and making bike lanes, and bothering oil companies, and making the police feel scared, and giving hormones to trans people, and ensuring abortion access, and open source software, and getting social media out of corporate websites, and giving homes to homeless people. Drag votes too. Drag doesn’t believe voting stops drag from doing all those things. Drag doesn’t believe voting stops anyone else from doing those things either.

Drag thinks you are afraid to admit defeat. But there is a class war and there has been for ten thousand years. And wars have battles, and some are lost. Right now, leftists lost the battle for the US electoral system. We will admit we have lost, and then we will band together and win. Drag doesn’t think we can win if we pretend we have already won. Drag doesn’t think we can win if we pretend the electoral system is on our side. Drag thinks you are pretending the electoral system is on your side. Drag thinks you are too proud to admit that the system can force you to pick between only bad options. Drag thinks you are scared of the system having so much power. Drag knows the system has a lot of power, and drag knows we can still beat it. We will do what we can with defeat until victory is ours. And we will fight on all the other battlefields too at the same time.


Drag wonders if you have heard of monarchies. You don’t want legitimacy, does that mean monarchy is better than capitalist democracy?


Drag already asked how voting for the democrats legitimises them, and you didn’t answer except for a symbolic reason. Drag wants a practical reason. Do you understand drag’s critique? You gave a “practical” reason made out of symbolic reasons. Drag wants a practical reason made out of practical reasons.


And neither are fetuses. Birth turns a fetus into a child. His grandchildren don’t exist yet.
