Dear Santa take this article as my whishlist! Much love xxx
Yes, gotcha! We had a Thai delivery service like that we used to order from. Despite clearly labeling the dishes as vegan they regularly used fishsauce, put eggs in it or even chicken once… Super frustrating and there wasn’t many other vegan options. After many fuck-ups we lost trust in that restaurant we got super paranoid everytime a dish tasted “fishy” so we stopped ordering from there.
Bro, ich habe schon einige Kumpels mit triefenden veganen Burgern vergiftet die nicht glauben konnten, dass da kein Tier drinn war. Klar schmeckt der vegane Fertigpatty aus dem Discounter nicht so geil aber wenn man sich gut mit veganen Produketen auskennt und kochen kann, dann ist zumindest der Burger ein Klacks.
Very interesting read, gives me flashbacks of my old self 10 years ago when i started asking myself the exact same questions. It took me two years to gather enough experience, cookingskills and knowledge to realise there is no strong reason left for me not to be vegan. To me the realisation that there is no ethical alternative only fully made sense after i reached that point where i felt confident beeing able to sustain myself healthily and comfortably without animal products. I think lots of people feel pressured when beeing confronted with the ethical issues of animal farming because they don’t feel empowered beeing able to change their behaviours.
Free Willy! <3