For all the shit that Lucas gets, I have to say that his vision for Star Wars has not been replicated. And when you grow up watching those films, you become hyper-sensitive to anything that doesn’t “feel” Star Wars. I honestly believe that’s why the Sequel trilogy wasn’t received well, and why the TV shows fall flat for the most part.
Edit: just in case it needs to be explained, any infighting amongst their enemies is advantageous to Russia.
Is it possible for these games to do well if they didn’t have some super hot overly sexualized female protagonist?
What kinda toilet-brewed crack are their courts smoking? How is being against warfare discounted because you like competitive video game lmfao? So can you be charged with reckless driving just because you play Mario Kart?
Anyone have any good YouTube channels that have footage of the war? The only ones I can find are from The Sun and the The Daily Mail, but like, fuck The Sun and The Daily Mail.
When Starfield wins most innovative, that’s when you can disregard the rest.