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Wait for the distro to officially release an upgrade path. Only do a fresh install if it doesn’t work.

On Windows however whenever I would get a new pc in which I was prepping for staff(I worked in IT) the first thing I’d do after unboxing it is a wipe of the factory Windows install and do a clean install with the latest ISO from Microsoft.

No bloatware, network managers, anti virus etc nonsense. We had all of our own stuff for that which applied via Group Policy anyway.


Implement a wireless file transfer protocol that works with Apple’s Airdrop and Android’s Quick Share.

In other words Airdrop for Linux that works with both iOS and Android.

  1. Create a software tool with UI that allows syncing of a phone with Linux to copy over photos, documents, music etc.

Must work with ios and android


HP is in the extortion business now…


That’s is the genuine one. There is a genuine company called Exodus for Crypto. The problem is that a scammer made their own clone and nobody verified whether they really are from the Exodus company.

If you check the manifest on Flathub you’ll see they verified it belongs to the real Exodus


I agree. It’s time Sundar hits retirement and they put someone more visionary at the top.

Google has become seriously stale.

I was just remembering how back in 2010 on my iPhone 4S I could receive a text message while driving and tell Siri to read it to me, with no internet connection. And it would, and I could reply by Siri as well

But my current Android phone (I love Android it’s really great overall) cannot do that if I don’t have an internet connection!

Why??? Why haven’t they baked certain basic offline capabilities into Assistant and only need internet for search queries? Makes no sense but it’s one of those small indicators that Sundar is not paying attention.


No offence but I don’t think this phone will be any good in a few years because of the CPU choice.

If it’s already sluggish now, what will it be like in 5 years? Unusable.


Instead of using robots to replace menial jobs and help humans who have physical labour jobs, they’ve invented a tool that will get rid of all white collar jobs, forcing us all into manual, low paid labour jobs.

Taxes will fall off a cliff and life will get really bad because the state won’t have money to maintain the country. Companies making Ai content won’t be able to sell it because no one can has money to buy it. In general all product sales will fall off a cliff, except for food, and many companies will close, resulting in mass unemployment and eventually collapse of society …

Great job morons!


All the distros are Linux, they are identical underneath basically. Mint is Ubuntu. You don’t think advanced users use Ubuntu? Ever heard of The Enterprise?

All I’m saying is that it’s NOT ONLY a newbie distro. It suitable for all levels.


No it’s not just a phase. Mint really is very good which is why it’s very popular and widely regarded as the overall best distro whether beginner or advanced user.

The team really do make it their goal to have a user friendly, capable OS that helps you instead of hinders you.

I use Linux Mint Debian Edition because I’m done with Ubuntu but the Ubuntu based mint is still excellent compared to Ubuntu itself.


If it works for you then use it, however if you want the latest packages you’ll have to NOT use the LTS releases in which case be prepared to do a FULL REINSTALL every time a new version comes out.

Or use the LTS but use Snaps for those applications that you want to have the latest versions of. Snaps are getting better and I think eventually you won’t notice the difference between them and native apps, except for the space they just up. But that goes for Flatpak too.

Personally I use Linux Mint Debian Edition because I’m not happy with the way Canonical is going. In most cases the “old” apps are fine for me, but if I felt need the newest version I’ll use a Flatpak.

Another rolling option is OpenSuse Tumbleweed however, being a Mac which uses proprietary WiFi drivers, your WiFi will break with kernel updates, which can be irritating, unless you have ethernet.
