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The BBC series does up to them being on >!prehistoric hairdresser and middle management earth!< Iirc

Which I’m pretty sure is the third book. But I haven’t read it in a loooooong time.


I used to very frequently. (For about 3-4 months, 5-7x a week)

Don’t anymore. Wish I did


Oh, bones is def ok the spectrum, but that’s explained away by being caused by her upbringing… Since she was in the adoption system due to her dad iirc.

She’s also rich due to her stubbornness and “pulling herself up by her own bootstraps”.

She also is drawn to Booth, a childish man who constantly makes fun of her peers, and has a derogatory nickname for people in her profession (squints), but he’s an old values man (reads the paper with his coffee and prefers it to bones’ iPad, sleeps around pre-bones but loves every woman he does sleep with, he basically rebuilds their house himself, is a company man who regards the bureau above all else, and he likes guns but keeps his safe like a model citizen should)… and is hot.

There’s also an embarrassing amount of obvious product placement in the show (the cars, the diff apple products they use and comment on throughout the show) that I’m pretty sure they were self aware of it and making fun of it later on. …

The woman who is in charge s2 and later is not nearly as smart as any of her subordinates, meanwhile the guy who is in charge during season 1 always seems to have more respect given to him than his successor. Other women who are in charge also usually turn out to be the big bad at the time.

I don’t remember the woman deciding to keep her baby. Was that one of the one-episode people who are adjacent to a victim?

Sorry. Went down a rabbit hole here. But yeah, as a kid I was always curious how such a conservative leaning news channel like Fox could have such shows that are either super liberal or super raunchy… Turns out a lot of them have a lot of conservative coded messages. The writing was pretty standard for a crime procedural.

Still trying to figure out how such a gay friendly show like X-Men got made…

  1. Admitting that I don’t have control over my symptoms.
  2. Meds. Taking vivanse and wellbutrin in the morning and experimenting (with Dr approval) Adderall in the afternoon
  3. Making sure I have some exercise as part of my morning every day routine (biking/walking on my way to work, going for a walk before walk when I wfh)
  4. Getting out for a walk bike ride during the day
  5. Talk therapy with a CBT pro

Apologies I meant the person you were originally replying to. I can see it being ambiguous.

I agree with you, this argument is dumb, sexist, and not fair.

I’m just saying this is just not a good forum to handle it.


Fyi I don’t agree with the previous commenters ideology about two separate classes for women.

I however agree that we can’t discuss this rationally today because social media (including lemmee) is a terrible forum for this discussion, because, unfortunately, a person who is AFAB and has a DSD, or other naturally occurring condition, which gives them more or less testosterone/lactic acid/something else than the typical woman, and thus an advantage, gets conflated with having a trans woman compete, because then the people who feel strongly about trans people on both sides come out of the wood work and start yelling…

And then everyone gets pissed and/or understandardly triggered and nothing can be argued.

By naturally occurring I mean w/o the use of drugs/doping/surgery. Which in my understanding is what’s the case with the boxer.

I don’t post this to argue or convince. Just clarify what I think they’re trying to say.

I won’t respond to the “are they female”/“what to do” debate, only that this forum is terrible to have these debates.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk/soap box lecture


As others have pointed out, the rules of competition don’t apply since there’s exclusive content at play.

As a metaphor, It’s not like one restaurant serving a popular type of food vs multiple restaurants doing so. It’s having one Italian, one Thai, one Chinese and one American restaurant being the only ones in 100 miles. Look! There’s competition, 4 restaurants! Unless you only want some pad Thai.

So now instead of fixing cables issue of $60-100/month, they made it more complicated by paying $60-100/month to 3-5 different companies instead of one.

As a real life example. If you have kids, or are a big Star wars/marvel fan, 9/10 you need Disney+. It may as well be a Monopoly now so they can raise their prices as much as they want. Parents and nerds will pay through the nose for it.

Source: am a parent and a nerd (but I pirate all my stuff anyway)


Bones had a lot of subtle things … Each character has some weird quirks that almost always has the future conservatives would tell them.

(Spoilers for a 10 year show)

If the top of my head …

  • Both of the women (bones and the hot girl intern) who were proud of having a lot of premarital sex end up accidentally getting preggo and don’t even think of not keeping it
  • The super duper rich guy, although he loses all his money due to outside circumstances, he works his ass off all the time, and becomes super duper rich again
  • The only “poor” later season intern is a southern guy (ya know, from “real America”) who works hard and gets rich by capitalizing on his family stuff
  • The sexy “free spirit” artsy girl is an airhead in most areas of life.
    • Forgets she was actually married, (and secretly wants the black guy more than the rich white guy)
    • She’s a programming genius, but her program gets hacked in the stupidest way possible
    • Of course she has an out of control hard rocking dad, who ends up getting drunk with her fiance and getting him tattooed (because you can’t trust drifter dads)
  • The og intern is also poor, also works hard, but is not rich for two reasons >!He’s obviously on the autism spectrum and also turns into one of the multi-episode killers also showing to not trust people with mental issues!<