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The only thing I don’t understand about this article is what precipitated them to write it now, in September.

As they mentioned, this all came out months ago. Haaretz – which is basically the Israeli New York Times – reported on this. Soldiers, survivors, and investigators have all testified that the IDF instructed soldiers to let no one return to Gaza, full stop, by any means necessary, and liquidated hostages in a widespread manner.

It’s terrible. I’m glad it’s being talked about. But geez, why does it take months for something like this to suddenly get reported on?


This article doesn’t really answer most of my questions.

What subjects does the AI cover? Do they do all their learning independently? Does AI compose the entire lesson plan? What is the software platform? Who developed it? Is this just an LLM or is there more to it? How are students assessed? How long has the school been around, and what is their reputation? What is the fundamental goal of their approach?

Overall, this sounds quite dumb. Just incredibly and transparently stupid. Like, if they insisted that all learning would be done on the blockchain. I’m very open minded, but I don’t understand what the student’s experience will be. Maybe they’ll learn in the same way one could learn by browsing Wikipedia for 7 hours a day. But will they enjoy it? Will it help them find career fulfillment, or build confidence or learn social skills? It just sounds so much like that Willie Wonka experience scam but applied to an expensive private school instead of a pop-up attraction.


Even still. Most are like, ‘Woman (allegedly American) no longer alive due to visiting West Bank, claim some’.

Most headlines don’t even say who killed her.


Oh man! I remember this! I think I bought a digital download of this album. I think it was like $5 for an online download or something. I shared this with mom. Now I gotta go listen and see how it all holds up.


I agree with all of that. It’s tough to talk about because I really hate to give any impression of moral equivalence. I think the leaders on both sides are equivalent in their hearts, but in actions and outcomes there’s simply no contest. Israel’s killers are much, much, much more brutally effective. At least several hundred times so in numbers. Very possibly a thousand times so.

When I speak of Hamas, it’s largely for the purpose of trying to understand their behavior.


I’m not terribly surprised, since whatever either side says is largely detached from what is really going on on the ground.

For instance, Israel has stated that it allows the vaccinations to take place, but four days ago blew up one of the aid trucks organized by a group called Anera after it had already been authorized for transit.


Now, the IDF claims that the truck was hijacked by armed militants. Anera said that the truck was not hijacked, it was staffed with local Palestinian delivery drivers who asked to drive at the last minute, but also admitted that they were not among the people that the IDF had pre-aproved.

So we can see here that the IDF blows people up in a deconflicted setting. But I’ll say something critics of Israel often won’t: I can’t guarantee that none of those drivers were actually part of Hamas. Would it surprise me if Hamas and the IDF agreed to peacefully allow vaccinations without interference and BOTH broke that agreement? No. Israel doesn’t follow the rules of engagement, nor does Hamas. What either side says they agree to is not a reliable source of what is happening. Both say whatever they think sounds good and then their fighters do whatever the hell they like. Neither side is honest or in control of their fighters, so nothing anyone says really matters that much.


This makes me so sad. It’s clear that the only reason that they’re doing it is because unlike starvation, unconstrained polio virus can transmit to soldiers.

They’ll allow limited aid to prevent kids from dying of this one particular thing. Not of dying of all the other horrible stuff. But just of this one special cause.



I feel like this is a pretty crass joke to make.

A good friend of mine found a body a few months ago. It’s a pretty shitty experience. And it’s actually a lot like what OP describes. A sense of foreboding and suspicion combined with a conviction that these thoughts are foolish. And an uncertainty whether to check or to alert someone or to just try to forget it.

Op, I’d report it and ask them to please follow up with you and let you know. It’s probably nothing, and you’ll feel better once you know it was nothing, and that you did the responsible thing in having it dealt with.


I would suggest calling the city or county and reporting suspicious dumping. It could be a body. It could be a rotting animal carcass. It could have toxic chemicals in it.

You don’t need to suspect that it’s a body to call the city and report what looks like dangerous dumping.


@CPMSP@midwest.social shared a link to a list of traits of fascism. She doesn’t fit these. The list describes a form of demagoguery that is inherently conservative, violent, ethnonationalist, and toxicly masculine, By this definition, Netanyahu and his allies for instance are obviously, clearly fascist.

Harris is supporting the same agenda. She is still guilty of genocide. But she’s pursuing genocide under a banner of diverse, forward-looking girl-boss pandering to progressives. It’s still bad, but I don’t think you can call imperialism under the banner of fake leftist signaling fascism. I would call that neoliberal imperialism. It’s still bad. It’s just a different bad thing.
