Musste den Titel dreimal lesen, bis ich sicher war, dass da wirklich kein “schleppend” drin steht. Das ist nicht mehr mein Deutschland.
Andere KIs würden sich sicher wegschmeißen. Wie bei dem Kracher “Der Mann zwei Pandas plitsch platsch dreizehn Sand Augen zu bumm.”
You can view them, but you can’t interact with them. When I try to upvote a post or comment when is selected I get an error message along the lines of “This thread was retrieved via You are not logged in.” Forgetting and then having to search the post on your own instance to interact with it can be a bit annoying.
Edit: I just saw that they added an option to switch instances when viewing a community in the latest version. Great news!
Hm, you’re right. I guess it depends on which browser you’re using (edit: no, it doesn’t), but I can only see the website and the title and not the whole URL after clicking the link. You could then click share and see the whole link, but that’s not exactly an intuitive or practical way to do it.
This is giving me flashbacks. These used to be very common here in Germany for ice tea. But they sucked so much, we usually lifted up the edges and cut them off.
I think the one place it wouldn’t make you look like a narcissist, would be in the toilet (where I’m from, the toilet, or at least one toilet, if there are several, is often in a tiny separate room with only the toilet and a small washbasin; idk if that’s a thing where you live).
Mir geht’s genau andersrum, ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, warum manche Leute so darauf beharren, dass “alkoholfreies Bier kein richtiges Bier” sei. Sofern das alkoholfreie Bier gut schmeckt (und mittlerweile gibt es viele richtig gute), bedeutet das für mich, dass diese Leute Bier nicht Bier mögen, sondern Alkohol.