Adding to what the other comments have already said: Don’t bring an unleashed dog on a cow pasture. You’d think that’s common sense, but apparently it’s a bit of a meme in Austria and Switzerland that every few months some German get’s trampled by cows because their totally friendly dog ran towards the cows and they felt threatened.
Legendary you say? Relatively unknown outside of Germany (and other German speaking countries) you say?
Let me introduce you to Dschinghis Khan by Dschingis Khan
(99 Luftballons, which was mentioned here before, is arguably the bigger hit that really everyone knows. But I couldn’t resist throwing this out there. It was a huge hit and is still known.)
Gehört zu den “vielen mehr” nicht auch der Kinderschutzbund? Diese Kinderschutz-Gegner immer!
Catholics also have patron saints for nearly everything from infants to ice skaters that they pray to but that are totally not gods because there is only one god. I mean, yeah, their second most important prayer is directed at the Virgin Mary, but that doesn’t mean they worship her or anything.
What happens to people who rent out an apartment in the house they are living in? This is not uncommon, where I live. Grandma lives in a small separate apartment in the house, she dies, the apartment is rented out. Sometimes a child moves in later or the parents move in and a child takes over the house.
If these people risk losing a part of the house by letting someone else rent it, my guess is that they would just stop renting it in order to be able to leave the whole house to their children. Which would leave even less homes on the renting market and a bigger share to big corporations.
Dass du nächstes Jahr ein 2 für 1 Angebot finden wirst, möchte ich nicht garantieren, aber generell sind Sonnencremeangebote zu Beginn des Sommers üblich, ja.
Mit dem auf Vorrat kaufen wäre ich bei Sonnencreme vorsichtig, weil der Schutz irgendwann nachlässt. Geöffnet sollte man sie normalerweise nicht mehr im nächsten Sommer verwenden. Geschlossen ist das bestimmt länger, aber ich persönlich bin da lieber auf der sicheren Seite.