If you enjoy crpg’s, definitely. There’s a lot of player agency and the companions are for the most part interesting to talk to. Completing every quest will you burn you out fast, but if you just finish the ones that seem interesting to you you’ll have a good time. DLC is pretty hit or miss though.
I replayed all three games this year so I can be even more throughly disappointed at the decline of this series when this releases.
No one is going to be making a fake Madden 99 cart for the gbc, it’s always going to be the heavy hitters like pokemon or atlus games. Idk how they prevent fakes on both ends tbh, from taking in fakes to selling them as well. But if they’re going to sell them they better be responsible about it.
In any case, isn’t it illegal for them to not ensure they’re legit? Selling counterfeits is definitely illegal