Girl, bye. Go to bed if sports hurt your feelings. Even when my team loses, it’s fun AF. We trash talk and pretend we are analyists, lol. You have been a fan all of a year. Come at me when you have sat through 13 losing seasons. Tell my dad who’s been waiting 39 years for a Super Bowl.
Uuuughh the Saints are probably the best team in the league right now, and they got the Eagles next. I will be at my local Saints bar cheering for them like I have for well over a decade. I can’t wait lol
Nit picky perhaps, but this Twister persona is annoying AF. Maybe because my area just got a record number of tornados. 10 simultaneously. including the metro area (which is suuuper rare). I’m from the Midwest so I’m used to summer storms, but this was terrifying. My kids didn’t sleep for 2 days. They ate traumatizing. People lose everything, including their lives.
I get the movie just came out but I think it’s meant to teach respect for the power of nature and maybe show the reality of tornados to people who may not experience them. I hope it’s also a commentary on global warming (something she probably doesn’t consider or even think about). Summer just started here and the tornados are expected to get worse. If you have never heard sirens or the roar of the winds, consider yourself lucky!
I looked at the size chart from her wearing a “m” and I call total BS. A size 29 waist and size 6-8 in a shirt with a little stretch, according to her. What happened to her 10-12 persona? She’s just getting bolder and bolder. I wear a 6-8 and I’m considered “petite”. Her followers don’t question any of her lies really baffles me!! It’s like being gaslit in real time.
That’s exactly it! People are going to want to make conversation, especially because they are traveling from all over. People are gonna be cheering and understanding the game VERY well. Sports is a community. every time I go, I end up in conversation! People are like damn did you see that play?! Or they miss something and say yo what happened? Fans didn’t travel all the way to Brazil cause they are casual watchers. They know they are full of it and are nervous because of it
That hideous ass outfit. She’s in NYC where people of all shapes, sizes, colors, orientations wear whatever the hell they want and don’t give a shit. They walk with confidence and have actual fashion sense. She must be feeling stupid and needs to convince herself she can keep up. But she can’t. She’s a boring and basic 40 year old sheltered suburbanite who never bothered to learn about the world around her. The world keeps spinning and it’s not spinning around for her. The whole feeling herself is a lie. She is just over compensating and she looks like a try hard. Like someone else said, the midlife crisis is hitting hard. Especially when you have no sense of self.
It’s sad that she watches her grandchild daily while having fibro and chronic fatigue. Her daughter does eff all most of the day, and honestly, even if she was as busy as she claims, she has the financial means for a nanny. I guess NK is reaping what she sowed. She enables it, and Birdie is selfish with no self awareness.