You can also hear her say “I’m having so much fun being child free” while at the toystore. As if she isn’t child free every day while her ailing mom watches her toddler. But she’s in her yes era. She’s saying yes to everything, except being a present mother.
I’m not just being a bitch. I have teenagers too and yeah, they want less to do with you. Yeah you can get away with more free time. I do have more time to go to a happy hour or the gym, but she has a toddler!!! How is she ok just seeing her a few hours a week then fucking off to NYC after all the other trips she’s been taking?
Does she have musical taste that doesn’t involve Disney songs? I just really can’t even picture her having actual interests. It’s so weird. There’s no individuality or personality to her.
She’s working hard to try and justify that $600 purse, huh? Relatable queen.
I hate how they always defend and doubt when she gets posted on r/Instagramreality. It’s so annoying. Don’t they have eyes?! I wish someone had that Shame skinny filter video to post!
She has no talent. No niche except “body positivity” and that’s quickly fading. The trend is leaning towards fitness and thinness. Taking care of yourself is in. Body neutrality and loving your health is becoming bigger than just showing off your stretch marks. We all have them. Nobody cares anymore. People don’t need an influencer to tell them they are acceptable.