The scene of Georgiou being recruited on Qo’noS by Leland was a deleted scene from Disco season one, so canonically, Georgiou wasn’t not running that bar/drug den/brothel in the Orion district. Still, it kinda bumps me that they’re revisiting the idea of her being recruited by S31 while operating some sort of drinking establishment.
Maybe they can delve into Philipa’s backstory about always having wanted to run a little hole in the wall, and just fell into being the despotic emperor of the horniest fascist galactic state.
October 31 Prompt - Alien Cultures
One of my favourite bits from the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG, is in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook where it says that Klingons and Andorians both enjoy playing hockey, since becoming aware of the sport. The accompanying art is spectacular. Unlike this doodle that I just banged out after the trick-or-treaters stopped showing up to the door.
October 27 Prompt - Shields Up
I miss when when a Trek show would just got nab a bunch of props and be like, "This week the Enterprise is going to a planet where the culture developed their own Roman empire that never actually fell."
Not super happy with how this one turned out, but I’ve reached the point where looking at everything just appears to be a bunch of shapes, so I’m gonna call it done.
I also wondered about the possibility of the transporter double, though one who choose to grow a beard like Riker’s as opposed to taking his name.
Hopefully though, if there are any Boimler S31 concerns, it will be specific to the William Boimler from the prime universe.
October 25 Prompt - Redshirts
When I saw what the prompt was, I knew I had to pay tribute to the Cerritos’ Redshirts club by drawing Casey and Jennifer. I would have included Castro and Taylor as well, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time.
Pretty happy with how this one turned out, even though I didn’t notice just wonky Casey’s white band on his uniform is until I’d already uploaded the image.