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If the black hole specifically disappeared, it would have no effect on us. The solar system would not even be launched on a 100 million year trajectory out of the galaxy, as galactic rotation is dependent on the masses of stellar and interstellar matter in the disk and dark matter in the halo. The supermassive galactic black holes, despite being supermassive, still only make up a tiny percentage of total galactic mass.

If you want to wow your friends, tell them about false vacuum decay. We could have bubbles of true vacuum expanding out in space from multiple directions towards us at lightspeed, and no way of knowing about them, stopping them, or outrunning them. Any point in space could nucleate a new true vacuum bubble at any time, just like a given uranium atom could decay now or in 5 billion years or never. Even spookier, by principle of quantum immortality, the Earth could have been engulfed by vacuum bubbles many times before, and we are just the one tiny sliver of probability space where by luck alone we survived long enough to talk about it here and now.

Thankfully false vacuum is just an idea and there is currently no evidence that it is real.


Btw, old reddit used to display the exact upvote/downvote counts (“x upvoted, y downvoted”) for posts AND comments in the “title” attribute of the total number, visible as a tooltip when hovering the mouse over it. All that “x% upvoted it” for posts and removing the counts entirely for comments was nonsense pushed through by the previous reddit jerk CEO on 2014-06-18 against all community opposition (what is it with reddit and dumping unpopular changes in June?).

If you gonna recreate old reddit, please do not include these later CEO meddlings in it! One of the best features of lemmy is the display of exact counts (which was also a major advertised draw of voat.com and raddle.me before it). Let’s keep that in!


I feel that anyone who advocates to stop eating meat for methane reasons is a vegetarian in disguise who latched onto global climate change to push their own agenda, having failed to dissuade meat eaters on animal rights grounds. They are doing the fight against climate change a disservice by muddying the waters. If they were serious about methane specifically (which anyone concerned about GHG should be, to within (x*25)% of its contribution), they would be dedicating 10 times more of their time in researching some kind of pill to give the cows to stop them from making methane - a much more feasible outcome. But doing so does not synergize with their animal welfare goals.


Oh yeah, that’s how Google will justify it. But meanwhile Apple is working to meet them halfway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnLbv6QYcA


Meh. It’s one thing to not like children, but here this seems to have been your real problem:

my normal 20 min wait it was almost a 2 hours wait. I just walked out.

We, uh… live in a society. You don’t get to feel entitled to be served at an advantage over other people. We all have to share all these natural resources and the labor of all these workers. But more people is not a bad thing. What’s next, you gonna complain that all these immigrants are clogging up the line to the drive through, or that all these old people are making you wait long time at the doctor’s office? Everyone is entitled to life. And in truth more people means more workers means more benefit to you and everyone on average.

Yes, you feel that this barber shop in particular was targeted towards adult audience with its shave service and whiskey bar, but apparently all those moms saw something useful in that service too, and more importantly they were all willing to pay for it. If this shop was so exclusive and upscale, then how could those kids even afford it? Yet they are customers too apparently.

I feel that way too sometimes, like when going to the movies - if I pay $20 for a ticket, how can all those kids in front of me cough up the money, when I remember paying $5 per movie as a kid myself? And yet they paid too, so we are all in there together. If I really didn’t want to share space with other people, I could go look for a $50 movie theater with individual “bedroom” cubicles. As could you. You could outspend all those kids and find an even more exclusive and expensive barber service, by appointment-only. I’m gonna tolerate the kids and keep my money. 😂


Is it stealing if I mute the ad? Is it stealing if I close my eyes? How long before youtube starts hiding the sound volume button during ad breaks?


Experiencing this all the time in the US. Want to buy extra virgin olive oil? One is priced in “per floz” another in “per quart” and a third in “per pound”. All three contain same EVOO in the same size range (500mL-1000mL) on the same shelf. How many ounces are in a quart? Is a fluid ounce the same as a dry ounce? Fuck you! Hope you are skilled at multiplying by 16 in your head. I swear the grocery stores do this on purpose to protest the fair pricing law that forces them to display the unit price. If it were left up to random chance alone, the units would match at least some of the time. EVOO is the reason I hate the imperial measures system.
