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I don’t understand this map, I live very close to the coast and am 20+ feet above sea level. 5 meters is 16’ 4.85".

The highest point in Pinellas county is 110’, for those who don’t know, it’s the peninsula on West Coast of Florida.

I’m not under the impression there will be a consistent land mass, but something more resembling new islands, keys and beach fronts makes more sense than showing areas entirely underwater.


Please don’t ban me… I joined .ml because it was privacy, security and FOSS focused! I had no idea about the ancillary political focus now associated with it.


Assuming this isn’t an attempt at trolling, Trump ran up the deficit nearly double that of Biden. Given that the argument is generally government spending leads to inflation, how exactly would that not indicate who is more responsible for inflationary costs?


I e been espousing #2 for years… Companies used to actually train and invest in their employees, now it’s all about poaching someone else from some other company rather than training and promoting within.


Here I am… Joined Lemmy.ml because it was supposed to be a security, privacy and FOSS focused community. Now people are probably going to block seeing my comments.


I have a friend who has come to reflect this exact behavior to an extraordinary degree of accuracy.

It’s interesting because the near puritanical nature of their responses to nearly anything has become more extreme than even the most devoutly religions individuals. Obviously the focus of their evangelizing is very different, but it has become difficult to even have a conversation.

I’ll give you an example: I saw a new game called Pal World, which looked absurd, mentioned and was instantly met with the fact that the game was unacceptable because it supports forced labor.

Additionally, there seems to be an immense amount of hypocrisy in regards to what is good and what is bad, largely driven by what best I can refer to as their “leftist Zeitgeist.” As bad as I can tell now, according to them, I am a liberal, and apparently liberals are bad, and the only true salvation is being a leftist?

Of course, I have a much more varied and complex set of moral and political values that likely don’t fall under a singular label… But what do I know about anything.

0 points

Multiple homes I’ve lived in have had these slots in the medicine cabinets lol.

Did they anticipate people not living long enough to care? Or that some biome would form to use the blades as food?

Interesting decisions all around.


Look, any progress being made about environmental awareness is great, HOWEVER; this bullshit concept of offloading the responsibility of climate change strictly to the consumer is never going to fix the problem.

The people responsible for the largest amount of climate change are the insatiably wealthy that give absolutely no fucks about how much their mega corp ruins the planet.

I don’t know how the rest of the world feels, but here in the U.S., it’s basically impossible to buy anything that doesn’t come packaged in single use plastics, and half our population has been brainwashed to believe climate change is not even a concerning issue.

The companies that profit from blowing everything up should be responsible for cleaning everything up. I do my best to reduce, reuse and recycle, but my city doesn’t even recycle plastic bags because it clogs the machines, and everything comes in damn plastic bags. Putting solar on your house now comes with a high possibility of having your insurance policy canceled, etc, it’s literally one barrier after another, and my carbon footprint is pretty damn low.

Sorry for my rant, it is just very frustrating.
