Why would anyone load an app from McDonalds? You want to give them elevated access to your most personal data for a few dollars of coupons?
What are they taking from you that’s worth more than the discounts they are giving you? Because they are definitely making a profit, or they wouldn’t be doing it.
I hate the argument that it’s not the insurance companies fault for high prices. If they are struggling so much, how come they are so fucking profitable.
Lets fix both, and not complain about the order if we make incremental progress one-at-a-time.
North Korea has stolen many billions of dollars in Bitcoin in the last 5 years due to targeting hacking efforts. However, they struggle to spend it or launder it because nobody will be the ones left holding stolen NK Bitcoin.
If we make Bitcoin strong and fungible, we empower North Korea more than anyone else. It’s a bad idea.
I’m all for trashing Healthcare CEO billionaires, but dammit… TayTay earns her money and doesn’t intentionally kill anyone doing it.
We want to elect a president who is a convicted fraudster, found to have committed a sexual assault, who incited people to overthrow the government and murder is VP then watched excitedly while it went down, and who has promised to suspend our rights to punish anyone who questions him…
And then, we want to talk about presidential ethics?
Yeah, no. That ship has sailed. Ethics will get much much worse, because that’s what voters clearly selected. Lets not pretend anyone gives a shit.
“You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thank you.”