Visual studio code. There’s nothing else that’s anywhere near as good that doesn’t cost money. Those annoying terminal text editors just don’t do it for me. I need code autocomplete and do not understand how there exist people who have the patience to get by without it. I do not have the time to be switching tabs 20 times a second because I can’t remember function parameter overloads. That intellisense autocomplete is just too good.
I normally use C++ for making new games or misc projects from scratch but I think I could save myself some work using C#. I’ve done a lot of Rimworld modding and I like the way C# works. I really like how versatile C++ is though. If I want to make my program work on an old Athlon, I can compile with 32 bit and sse1. I would be surprised if it were possible to do that with any C# compiler but I also haven’t researched to find out.
If that game doesn’t have mod support I’m not buying it. I probably wouldn’t even pirate it.
Ugh, I wanted to make a few sublemmys but if it’s that much work, forget it. One thing that’s lacking around here are the shitposting subreddit equivalents. r/Copypasta, r/shittyaskreddit, r/okbuddyretard, that kind of thing.