2 posts • 270 comments
Wehrmacht denn sowas? Jetzt Reichsadler!
Naziwortspiele in Kommentarspalten - Verharmlosung des NS-Ideologie
0 points
Ja, Ja, RTL hat jetzt rausgefunden was sonst niemand rausgefunden hat. Kein Geheimdienst oder sonstiges Rechercheteam.
Also ich bin immer noch nicht überzeugt.
0 points
So my dump uneducated question is: if there are only 2 genders is wrong, what is the right answer? I understand gender as universal social norms. Most socities are structured around male and female (some like india have itersex but i don’t know how much that counts).
I’m well aware who uses this argument and why. It is the wanne be scientific take to say queerness is scientificly wrong and mistakes should be corrected.