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Yes, i said that, that one point was more about making it cost less so its affordable.


What’s the endgame here for users?

Do we just want a reasonable subscription price? Something we can genuinely afford?

If youtube doesn’t play ads then they cant remain a service. At least not as it is today. Hosting costs money.

Im not shilling for them, i dont want ads either. And google are a terrible company. But im trying to be realistic.

Do we want cheap subscription?

Or a reduced service that can be maintained without so many ads

Do we just want 5 second skippable ads back?

Im just seeing this fight progressing to the point were youtube becomes subscription only and the ad blocker users have to pay or lose the service they obviously want to access.


I think there’s some wiggle room on “bottom tier,” but yeah, it’s down there somewhere. I dont think KFC is worse, not in my experience. but regardless of this, the meat is real in the UK (at least) and across Europe (at most).

Your individual tastes are subjective. I was arguing that the quality difference of a mcdonalds burger and a restaurant burger is not as big a chasm as OP made out. I’ve worked in plenty of restaurants, and many buy their burgers from the same suppliers that fast food places buy from. It’s the same meat in a different setting. In fact, I used to order food for a whitbread chain restaurant and a greene king chain restaurant, and a lot of it came from the same manufacturers. But people would swear by the quality of the more upmarket whitbread restaurant over the cheaper greene king one.


The McDonalds near me have people on tills as well as the self order machines. And you say they fired them. Can you prove that?

To be clear. I dont think you are wrong, I have no idea, and I am genuinely curious and want to know if that happened. since you claimed it with such conviction, I assume you can give a reference or point me in the direction of the search terms I could use to find a source myself?


Depends where you are from. Food standards are higher in Europe, McDonalds can’t use cardboard for their burgers. Has to be actual beef.

McDonalds isn’t as hated in the UK or Europe as it is in America.


I have a head voice, but not all the time, I see images, but not all the time, I can hear music in my head, most of the time.

When I write things down, I often speak the sentence in my head as I write it, but sometimes the words just fall out of me with no voice leading them

when im planning a food shop, I visualise the shop and walk around it in my head so I put the items I want in the right order on my list. When working out what i need it’s a combination of visualising the fridge/freezer and cupboards and physically looking in them to see what I have and then looking at my meal plan to see what I need. The meal plan i made by just sensing what im craving that week.

When I learn to play a song, I hear the music in my head and can sound that out to work out chords and melodies.

When I compose music, I can hear the next chord I want in my head and then have to sound that out on my instrument.

When I make silly videos to send to my family group chat, I think visually.

People are just different. If you struggle with that concept, then I feel sorry for you.

You say it’s for people to feel special, I say it seems to me that it’s more you feeling like you aren’t special because you wish you could think the way other people do.

In reality, it doesn’t matter how you think. I envy my wife as she is much smarter and more organised than me, but she can’t visualise anything or hear music in her head and thinks more systematically. She is jealous that I can do these things.

We both agree it’s silly.


1.4k what? A year? What currency is that?

If that’s yearly, it would be the equivalent in the uk would be the fold 6 costing the same as a 3 bedroom house. If i was earning 20k, which is give or take the minimum yearly wage here, and my house was 10x that, then yeah… 200k, about the cost of a lower mid level house.

How can a fold 6 cost mor than 10x your minimum wage? It doesnt even cost me 1 months salary and i am not in a well paid job.


It could be a cheesey quip, like the shit the good guys say in actio films when they kill the bad guys.

“'Consider this an official act… of kickin your ass!”

Movie is called

Mount Killmore
