Some stores require you to use the app for order pickup.
Sounds like a store to avoid like the plague.
But… that requires the internet to research
What is gay underwear? Like a specific brand?
You can just run yay with no arguments and it does exactly what your update script does.
Replace insta with Lemmy and I’m livin’ the life
Yes, but skillful is a different thing entirely
I work for Microsoft and I can assure you that any effort I make to increase code quality or reduce jank (or pretty much anything other than shoving more AI in our products) will not positively impact my bonus next year.
What a stupid, stupid reason to have to live through another Trump presidency and continue the war unchanged.
You could absolutely install software on Windows 3.5 that would crash the system.
Aw man, I love how you just said “extended cut”. It took me a looooong time to realize it’s a parody.