Dick and Trump should go duck hunting!
Oh, oh I got one… Seagal VS LeBell, clay diorama
Just be thankful that your right wing is the equivalent of our left wing here in the states. We don’t even have a left wing, just right and batshit crazy. I do follow as much European news as I can and I do see we are exporting our specific brand of batshit. I hope it never gets its footing.
Yeah there is way more digital human recognition going on than we all like to acknowledge here in the states.
I must admit I’m super jealous of you Europeans. I’m very happy that you ladies and gents over there have a more formed and functional governance and your not yet in our predicament.
Watching a documentary of the first peoples of Ireland and wish I could be there instead of here right now.
It wasn’t the poor oppressed peoples of Rome that undid Caesar, it was the disaffected members of the elite.
The best option for the least bloodshed it to force the hand of those in power to act in their own self interest. If their best option is getting rid of the source of their problems in an attempt to retain the money and power they have they will stab anyone in the back to get what they want.
We need to split their class solidarity.
I wholeheartedly agree it’s a hard sell. What other viable non violent means do we have left?
Do we wait for the ruling class to crash the economy? The people will be even more fucked than they are now.
People are going to have to be willing to put themselves at risk or there will be no reward, only serfdom and abject destitute for all.
So the plan is to wait till more people choose violence and hope that does anything but solidify the ruling class behind armed forces and impenetrable walls of security and eventually anonymity. To me that seems like a waste of valuable time, resources and lives.
Violence should be the last resort. I truly believe that general strike is the best option.