

7 posts • 10 comments

9/8/2024 on reddit direct messaged many people about these aliens, perma banned probably spam:

  • LogicAndEthics

Accounts perma banned maybe as IP ban:

  • Logic_And_Ethics
  • Logic-And-Ethics
  • Logic__And__Ethics
  • Logic-Ethics
  • Logic_Ethics
  • Logic_With_Ethics
  • Logic-With-Ethics
  • LogicWithEthics
Direct message

From research I guess it’s to do with taking genetics like reproductive material for use with making human hybrids and perhaps with implanting of brain implant technology which perhaps can control various areas of the body like with hearing and eyesight.

The brain implant technology perhaps are wirelessly connected to an alien computer somewhere and able to send brain signalling from some person’s brain to the alien computer or receive signalling like from the alien computer to put directly into some person’s brain.

With brain implant technology for example if ever heard of an account of an alien person or people talking ‘telepathically’ are most likely just accomplished with brain implant technology. Like how the human ear can produce sound signalling into the brain to be able to hear as sound, the brain implant technology perhaps work similarly with producing sound into the brain perhaps wirelessly. I’ve heard from Karla Turner who perhaps did hypnotic regression with many people mention a brain implant near each ear. Since an implant are near an ear I would assume the function are to do with hearing. So maybe as an example perhaps an alien person having brain implant technology in their brain are wanting to speak to someone as a human. The alien person’s thoughts are perhaps then sent to an alien computer which perhaps automatically detect what they want to say and make sound signalling which then send into the human person’s brain for them to perhaps hear.

  • There is more information in the main text document “Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens” like with brain implant technology and other information.

Also from what I’ve perhaps heard from someone called David Jacobs who also perhaps did hypnotic regression with many people perhaps mention an alien person having told someone they ‘intend to change how people think’ which I think mean wanting to psychologically manipulate people to be more totalitarian like how they are so can be easier to control.
