

2 posts • 202 comments

Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

Direct message

I realized I was a woman and wanted to transition at the very end of 2014. I took beginning steps January of 2015, telling my therapist and getting a referral to a psych. I saw him like 2 or 3 weeks later and he diagnosed me with gender identity disorder and I got a referral to an endo. I started experimenting with names and pronouns in January/February. I think I told my closest family, my grandparents, in March or April. I saw the endo in the middle of May and he gave me prescriptions of Estradiol and Spironolactone which I started taking that day.

This was during an interesting time when the process was pretty streamlined and gatekeeping was relaxed a lot. It was worse before and has become worse since then. So, from realization to taking my first dose was a period of ~5 1/2 months. I had just turned 18. But I had had dysphoria since I was a very young child. I’d already been to the therapist for years. There was a long history of me having gender problems. No one ever told me I could transition, though, and I didn’t know much if anything about trans people. I knew that trans women existed, but I did not know about or understand reassignment surgery or hormone replacement. When I discovered what HRT was I very badly wanted to be on it and did as much as I could to push for it.

I didn’t go full time and come out at work until I had been on E for a couple years. It’s normal to do it in stages. I even detransitioned briefly early on due to self-doubt. Stopped taking hormones and everything. It’s okay to not immediately be 100% sure.


KolibriOS, arguably the smallest modern GUI OS at 1.44MB, could be encoded on ~142 of them. I shouldn’t find that interesting but I do. MikeOS, which is an operating system used to teach about OS design, could fit on ~74.

Making this a very dumb very impractical but nonetheless legitimately viable method for non-electromagnetic OS storage.


I said that it would be just for that to happen, and I would agree in the case of Australia too. Power to decide what happens with their land should be returned to them and it should be up to them ultimately.


They also have a border with Canada at St Pierre & Miquelon.


I never said she deserved it, nor that it was right. We can have wider discussions that relate to the content of a post. Conversations wouldn’t go far on this platform if we were restricted to talking exactly about the subject of each post.

She is also a victim of her countrymen, to be clear.


You’ll note that I didn’t say that. I said that zionists have no right to be there. They stole Palestinian land, murdered their people, and reduced them to living in a giant open air prison from which they terrorized and bombed them. They deprive them of food water and electricity. They have done their absolute best to eradicate the Palestinian heritage and way of life. They’ve taken again and again and again. They’ve broken every single promise for coexistence. They have no right to be there.

Also, Israel isn’t even a hundred years old. Not even 80. There are original settlers still alive. Most people are second or third generation. It’s not the same as Australia, which was colonized over 200 years ago.

And I’m not proposing that all Israelis be made to leave. In my view zionists and anyone who has been actively involved in the persecution of Palestinians, or in the destruction of the Palestinian nation and heritage, should be made to leave. But I don’t think it should be up to me. It should be up to the Palestinians to determine what happens on their land. And the land that was stolen from them should be returned.


I never made any statement on the legitimacy of anyone’s identity as Jewish. Israel is a country. Israelis are citizens of that country. Jewish people are Jewish people. Israelis are not one and the same with Jewish people.

Jewish people who existed in the region prior to the nakba and the colonization of Palestine were not Israelis. They were not zionists. They coexisted with Muslims in Palestine. Israel was conceived by zionists in Europe. It was a deliberate colonization effort. It didn’t just naturally occur amongst people already living there. Europeans traveled to the region and colonized it, much the same as other Europeans did to North America, Australia, South Asia, etc.

We see all those other colonization efforts as evil and genocidal, which they were. It is much the same with colonization of Palestine. Palestinians should always have had their own nation. They have been told multiple times throughout history both before and after the nakba that they would have their own nation. Israel colonized Palestine and evicted Palestinians from their homes, stole their land from them. They didn’t immigrate to the region to coexist with Palestinians. They came to steal their land, get rid of them, and make their own state on that stolen land.


I never said it wasn’t a bad thing. Only adding context to the situation. I don’t understand what your hangup here is. The Israeli media lied about what happened to her. The Israeli military is taking tens of thousands of prisoners and doing the exact thing they accused hamas of doing to her. That’s relevant. A genocide is ongoing based on misinformation mischaracterization and selective omission of information.


The fact that she has been held hostage has been used as justification for the unlawful detainment of Palestinians. The hostages have been the central crux of all of the actions Israel has taken. It’s not that it doesn’t matter whatsoever that she was taken hostage. It’s that her being taken hostage is part of the justification for genocide of Palestinians.


When did I say anything about collective punishment for Israelis? I don’t understand how you could have gotten that from what I said.

Also, what Israel is doing in Gaza is wrong because they’re committing acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing. They are a settler colonial state. Everything they have ever done in Palestine is wrong.
