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Demi gender is certainly a way I could approach my situation. For the most part, at least online (lord knows no one around me irl could even wrap their head around it) I just use any/all pronouns and feel satisfied with that. I guess I’m jus mostly apathetic towards it.


Hey OP I’m in a somewhat similar boat so maybe I can chime in to help.

I’ve pondered many many times if I’m trans/would like to present as a woman. Every time I come out of those introspection sessions feeling like I wouldn’t mind being a woman at all (physically or not), but I also don’t feel a strong desire to be one either, nor do I have feelings of dysphoria with regards to my current body (or euphoria at the idea of changing it to be like a woman’s for that matter).

But like you I also think I wish I was more female presenting and I like “traditionally female” things, so to speak (as a silly anectodte, just this past summer I painted my whole room pink and started collecting plushies, even though I still have a thick ass beard).

I think in the end, if I were to label myself, this lands me somewhere in the non-binary spectrum, because I don’t have a strong attachment to the notion of maleness and have never seen myself “fully” as a man, but I also don’t think I could go around calling myself a woman either.

And after several years of this mental back and forth I frankly just now forgo the idea of labeling myself (which I guess could be a label like agender but I’ve never given it much thought). It’s tiring and nothing ever feels like it fits entirely. I feel happier doing what I like and presenting how I like, and that’s enough.

Of course this isn’t to say you’re the same as me, but I hope this helps broaden your horizons if you don’t feel like you’re trans but not exactly cis either.


A long time ago I did before I switched to sharex, which does what lightshot does but better.


Regular user of sharex here who tried flameshot. Sharex has it beaten by a mile in terms of both features and customization.

Only reason to use flameshot is if you’re not on windows, since sharex is not available for Linux or MacOS.


I hope you never meet my family. Literally everyone aside from me just leaves leftover food in the pan/oven instead of putting it in the fridge. Sometimes for more than 24 hours (time depends on when I find it and put it in the fridge, because lord knows they won’t)

Yes I’ve yelled at them a million times and told them they’re ruining the food and risking health problems. No they don’t care.


The alternative is on desktop always get your smartphone, open some app type a token or on the phone to switch to multiple apps to get your credentials. Not fun imho.

There are desktop apps for OTP, you don’t need a phone. And since you only need to setup an OTP secret once, doing it for your phone and pc isn’t that big of a deal.

I have my OTP secrets in 3 places, 2 yubikeys and my phone’s authenticator app, with the former meant for my PC.

For me, the key benefit of 2Fa is getting more security against leaked, stolen, phished passwords, and that still holds up.

If your vault doesn’t have 2FA too this doesn’t hold up though. Means you’re trusting a single service that can get hacked with all your secrets. Sure, your other accounts are more protected against leaks and stuff, but if your password vault isn’t, you didn’t really change much, just pointed the hackers to one single place.

Yes I know hacking a password vault isn’t some walk in the park and rarely happens, but the point is any leaks from it would be 10 times more catastrophic for you if all your OTP secrets are also stored in it. I’ll spare myself from that nightmare with the small inconvenience that is a separate, offline OTP app.


This isn’t really a good idea because then you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. The whole point of 2FA is that the second factor is in a separate location so if your first factor (password) gets compromised the second one (OTP code) still protects your account. If both factors are in one place you’re back to a single point of failure instead of 2, losing a key benefit of 2FA.

If you’re gonna do this, at the very least have 2FA with a security key on your bitwarden vault.
