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An acquaintance once landed a contract to clear up a gold mine site after shut down. He bid super low for it, the only condition he stipulated was it be left in the condition in which he had inspected it, something like that.

The operator immediately gave him the contract, and he immediately gathered up all the dust from conveyor belts etc sifted through it, separated all the left over gold inside and sold it.

Set him up in a big way, the idiot operator tried to take him to court to claim the gold as theirs, with no success.

So yeah, sometimes there truly is gold in that there dust.


Hey Quokka i don’t know when you sent this message, but i made this comment 2 months ago, and i’ve only just received your comment. You weren’t ignored, on my end i simply never saw both your comments, i noticed another one on another thread, until just now.

Possibly a time lag in federation? Aussie Zone has that issue with another server, maybe with some mastodon instances as well.


Ah, that makes sense.

Frustratingly, your images aren’t showing up for me. Neither the one in this post nor your recent !perth post. All I can see is the title & text.

Ah, that one might be a different, its a link to the certificate, not a screenshot. I also entered it in the link field not under ‘upload image’. Don’t know if those details would make a difference.

It grabbed the image and displayed it for me when i’s making the post though.


Its so bad over east. I remember visiting family when i’s young, seeing these huge cavernous ‘clubs’ half filled with pokies, other half a buffet style dinner hall. I thought where is the RSL bit of this place?


Yeah, massively energy intensive. I say these things with the implicit assumption that they’d use renewables. Sorry my bad, i should just say that.

I’ve previously read reports from the desal plant in Cockburn, where the water corp seem to have managed the discharge quite well, as far as salinity levels in the Sound were concerned.

It would remove their collection as negative publicitiy

The key thing about Coca Cola at the moment is they’re taking from the scarce underground water resevoirs around Perth for bottled water at bargain basement prices. We know that most, not all, of these aquifers are drying out. So this is the negative publicity coca cola has been getting this year. And rightly so, if you ask me. So a desal plant would remove that issue, as well as give them greater control over their own production.


Democracy dies in the dark; Redactions cast long shadows.


No shame in taking inspiration from the greatest, most excitingist, and amazingist show on earth.

I reckon Cabbages would be a great business idea in a Solarpunk kinda world… just sayin.


Lol, not really. I actually think the best thing for Coca Cola to do is set up their own desal plant. Or more likely do a joint venture with the State government on one. It would remove their collection as negative publicitiy (if they consistently match or beat standards of water corp), and in a very small way be net positive for on land water.

The way I see it this State has no choice but to massively ramp up desalination and irrigation infrastructure throughout the bush and wheatbelt. I can’t see any other way we have to slow and maybe hold off the cumulative effect of the falling rate of rainfall across the southwest.

If that means Joint Ventures with water users like coca cola, then it should be considered.


Na, honeys crap, lets open more gas fields instead! /s

I hadn’t thought about flowering plants having varying degrees of pollen before. Makes sense.

This is an incredibly sad business. There mightn’t be much we can do about rain, (cloud seeding apparently isn’t always feasible), but this State needs to have environmental scale water production facilities to replenish the water tables across this State. I commented in a different post about the fact that I’m sick of WA having ‘mega’ projects, but this is a mega project i think we have to take on.
