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Not the biggest fan that SF and PF are supposedly going to be compatible.

I don’t really like PF2.0, but Starfinder was decent enough.

Pathfinder 2.0’s and its 4176 feats get a hard no from my playgroup.


I am not sure there is an actual joke.

The first guy is Jimmy Savile - Famous in the UK - Sexually abused over 100 people; kids, seniors, male, female, and everything in between.

The second guy is Russel brand - Famous (only kinda) in the UK - Accused of sexual assault very recently.

The third guy is Ricky Gervais - Famous, from the UK - not accused of any sexual assaults at this time.


Magical Girl shows are things like Sailormoon.
The main character is, well, a magical girl. They often need to transform into the magical alter-ego so they can hide in plain sight, and it’s definitely not so they could re-use the animation in every episode to save money/waste time.
The sequence is often very dance-like, or almost like a photo-shoot. Very traditionally feminine.

Dragonball-Z was one of the first main-stream anime for boys that was shown on TV in North America.
The main characters are aliens who can turn into a “super” form, and they generally change the way they look during a transformation sequence. It’s often just turning blond.
The sequence is often clenching your fists, flexing all of your muscles, and doing a battle-cry.

Here is Sailormoon’s Magic Girl transformation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyVR0GhVBH0
DBZ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0vWx9VjGe0


Not sure why this is was down-voted.
I don’t agree with some points on the list, but if you need propriety software for your job, Linux may not be the easiest choice.


Internet historian is a plagiarist.


Shadowrun: Okay so you has a weapon that can attack the darkness? Great.

What’s the the DV and AP of the weapon?
Let’s start on your pool so add your Agility Attribute and weapon skill together.

What’s your personal reach plus your weapons reach? okay, that’s lower than the Shadow’s reach by 2, so take that out of your pool

You took 7 damage so far right? okay so minus another 2 from your pool.

Okay, now roll your pool! 7 hits because of your EDGE limit. Pretty good!

So the shadow, let me see… It’s going to parry because it counts itself as a weapon, so -5 to initiative to add it’s skill to the DEF pool, now add the intuition attribute and reaction attribute to the DEF pool, it took 2 damage which is -0 to the pool… okay I can roll now, I got 5 hits.

So, 7-5 is >0 so let’s add your DV from your weapon, so you have (7-5)+(2+STR) and the AP of the weapon was -3. So, looks like this shadow’s Armor is less than that, so it’s going to be physical damage.

So, now the shadow will roll BODY+Armor-3 as a pool, then subtract it from your hits… and it got 4 hits. So 5-4= 1, you did one damage.

…oh sorry, you have 6 more attacks this turn? And your teamates are summoning ghosts to deal with the Shadow, and Sarah is going to …hack the shadow?

Okay, give me a second…


If you’re not a fan of this type of behaviour, I recommend playing a TTRPG that isn’t D&D.

D&D has gotten a bit of an “LULLZRANDOM!!11!!” reputation, possibly because of the content creators needing something whacky to get views, or just because of how mainstream it is. If you need to stand out in a crowd of thousands being extreme, novel, or whacky has the lowest effort for the highest reward.

If everyone at the table finds the game fun, then you are playing correctly. I find this behaviour exhausting and would tell the players that it needs to stop unless someone else wants to GM.


They did tell you why:

Your post was removed for being inflammatory and uncivil, violating rule 2, due to your title being a specific users name. You edited the title of the post mere moments before making this post.

c/tenforward is a place for chat and conversation but that it isn’t a place for drama



You are going to get downvoted by people who think that the term “rice/ricing” has racist origins, before they even read your post.

I am not a Steam Deck user, I came here from sorting by new, but you might get more responses if you use a different term.


People who are part of the Fediverse are generally progressive, which is why they are here to begin with instead of facebook/Xitter/reddit.
People who are progressive generally don’t like people who don’t like trans people.

This is just anecdotally, but it there seems to be much higher than average rate of trans persons on the fediverse.
