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Language isn’t set in stone. If enough people are using one spelling, then that becomes a new spelling. A lot of spellings, words, phrases, and meanings from 100 years ago would be unrecognizable to you. People who pretend that the words they like best are the only correct ones are just being jerks for the sake of looking smart.


This is not what OP claimed.

Well the US was very much in love with the nazi party until it became politically inexpedient. Then they pretended they never were but didn’t actually change anything

While being popular and then having that popularity decline was part of it, they suggested that the reason it became unpopular was because that support became politically impractical. They also suggest that the US itself, not US citizens, were in live with the Nazi party. This may be an accident due to poor phrasing, but assuming that’s what they were going for, their sources only show of a small political activist group, not any governing body.

Also, the group, although the size isn’t actually reported anywhere among the sources I could find, was actually pretty small, and was mostly German immigrants who were torn between supporting their homeland and their new home. This was made more difficult a decision due to German propaganda calling for people of German descent to stand together.

Precise membership figures are not known. Estimates range from as high as 25,000 to as low as 6,000. Historians agree that about 90 percent of Bund members were immigrants who arrived in America after 1919. In Wisconsin, the most heavily German state, the Bund seems to have mustered barely 500 members, which would rule out the possibility of anywhere near 25,000 members nationwide.

Assuming that the largest reported member count of 25,000 members was correct, that’s hardly popular. The US had a population of 139 million people in 1945. This would be 0.0018% of the population. To put that number into perspective, ~12 million Americans were in military service, about 9% of the American population at the time. So the people willing to risk their lives to kill nazis outweighed this political activist group by 5000%


I have this. I have zero visualization, in the little visual on the wiki I’m a 5. For the most part, I don’t really notice any downsides. These are the things that I’ve noticed are difficult for me that I have attributed to it.

  1. I can’t remember directions based on visual landmarks.
  2. A mild case of face blindness. I recognize people with distinct features pretty well, but it’s common for folks to be going for a handful of trendy looks, and anyone with the same trendy look might as well be the same person to me.
  3. A pretty strong case of “out of sight, out of mind.” Like, I kind of forget about people, including family and loved ones, if I haven’t seen them in a while. Kind of a hard one to explain.
  4. I can’t see my wife’s face in my head, which makes me sad.
  5. I have to be the jerk tourist who takes pictures of all the cool stuff I see, because if I don’t I won’t remember them in a few months. My travel memories are mostly tied to how I felt in the area.
  6. Not sure if it’s actually tied to aphantasia, but I don’t dream. Like, not just visually but at all. When I sleep there is nothing. I can still tell that time has passed once I wake up, but I don’t have any mental activity that I can even remotely remember happening while asleep. I’m sure there is some, it just doesn’t make itself known to me.

There are a handful of perks that it comes with as well though:

  1. I can watch scary movies and then sleep immediately as no images of scary things can haunt me
  2. In that same vein, I am able to deal with gruesome stuff, and bounce back quickly since there is no “image burned into my head”
  3. Along with no dreams, I have no nightmares, so that’s also a plus
  4. It appears to aid in an understanding of abstract logic; I have attributed my success in the software engineering field to it, at least partially.