I must be way out of the loop, cuz I had no idea this was possible. So does this mean the Facebook app on my phone has permission to view all of my network traffic? Why do Android and iOS allow this? Shouldn’t that be a special permission that can only be granted explicitly?
The article says that Apple is still planning on making iMessage compatible with RCS, but isn’t Apple’s incentive gone if there’s no longer any EU pressure? How likely is it that Apple will cancel their RCS plans?
This article isn’t really saying anything. It’s just saying that a lot of people feel like the job market has gotten tougher, but we don’t have any solid evidence to prove that.
Personally, I recently got a new software development job, and it was offered to me from the very first company I interviewed for. (This is out of the ordinary for me, as during past job searches it took me several interviews before I got an offer.) Did I get a job quickly this time because the job market is better, because I’ve become a better candidate, or because I got lucky? It’s impossible to say. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t really mean anything when it comes to market competitiveness IMO.
Why is everyone saying this is because Stack Overflow is toxic? Clearly the decline in traffic is because of ChatGPT. I can say from personal experience that I’ve been visiting Stack Overflow way less lately because ChatGPT is a better tool for answering my software development questions.
I recommend getting a Smash Bros U/Smash Bros Ultimate edition Gamecube controller on Ebay. It’s the same as an original Gamecube controller, except it has a longer cable (which is much better for modern living room setups) and it has the Smash Bros logo on it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/225532597419?epid=8032166771&hash=item3482ca54ab:g:zzMAAOSwf-JkPDeK&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8MJ3kSPdlQoRwFXheGH%2BSzXaS99WV6wLP6TIvIyt42GMxxqldWsFvcPfknSO0kzTqKdsZkTj5azOgJkYuMzwKQUT85y1Eq4aSusXgzWNSc9lHqfJwj%2BP9Y2gwE0yKZUUV5sxL7NDb92%2B48UGfe7%2Bb4APOSt5cDrG%2BGK1zvQw%2BiI%2Fz2NpZZkoLmcN%2BumNPUat1%2F5Aq3Y%2BWeBaHm3AiAxRS4hbtWkNeMFCkWtYJ1YGy4NNvoaZ9r5Iz1ovM%2F76EPr4dKin65uQwZFa2ZIn%2FA6whjQYLubCKoZthHGN27%2B8K5uhkL1%2FSE8tghJi9Y%2Bwkw%2BsVA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMyNK8-pti
If big instances are already defederating from each other then I don’t see how Lemmy can grow like many of us want it to. I mean, now any new user who randomly chooses Lemmy.World as their server is going to get a much worse Lemmy experience and they won’t even be aware of it. (Come to think of it, maybe I’m getting a lesser experience right now because maybe my server defederated from another big server that I’m not aware of.) This seems like a flawed system, or at least it seems like a system that isn’t intended to have much user growth.
I wanna see more hot takes in the gaming community. Let’s get some arguments going people. Tell me what popular game is overrated garbage