In other news, a lengthy report about Richard Stallman liking kids just dropped.
Hacker News has a thread on it. Its a dumpster fire, as expected.
oh yeah she got two years’ jail for her part in stealing eleven fucking billion with a B dollars
A slap on the wrist compared to Sam Bankman-Fried’s twenty-five years. Turns out working with the feds, admitting your guilt and knowing when to fold 'em are pretty important when karma finally catches up with you.
If these nuclear plants manage to come to fruition, it’ll be the sole miniscule silver lining of the bubble. Considering its AI, though, I expect they’ll probably suffer some kind of horrific Chernobyl-grade accident which kills nuclear power for good, because we can’t have nice things when there’s AI involved.
Tenner says we’re seeing them in GTA 6 for obvious reasons
Character.AI Is Hosting Pedophile Chatbots That Groom Users Who Say They’re Underage
Three billion dollars and its going into Character AI AutoGroomer 4000s. Fuck this timeline.
In other news, Hindenburg Research just put out a truly damning report on Roblox, aptly titled “Roblox: Inflated Key Metrics For Wall Street And A Pedophile Hellscape For Kids”, and the markets have responded.