

10 posts • 135 comments
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Why not just stick to what we’ve always been doing?

  1. wget something.tar.gz
  2. tar something.tar.gz
  3. man tar
  4. tar xzf something.tar.gz
  5. cd something
  6. ls -al
  7. ./config.sh
  8. chmod +x config.sh
  9. ./config.sh
  10. make config
  11. Try to figure out where to get some obscure dependency, with the right version number. Discover that the last depency was hosted on the dev’s website that we self-hosted when it went belly up 5 years ago. Finally find the lib on some weird site with a TLD you’ve could have sworn wasn’t even in latin characters.
  12. make config
  13. make
  14. Go for coffee
  15. make install
  16. SU root
  17. make install

IANAL (goes without saying, I guess)

If the city of Springfield can document damages resulting from Vance’s lies, then the city should definitely try to recoup their expenses. But from Vance personally, not the campaign org. The organization will be shut down by mid November and Springfield isn’t going to get a ruling before then. Besides, are we sure whether the campaign organization is even responsible for what unvetted shit a candidate spews?

Could this be a class action? I mean the city had OT to the police, but individuals had to miss work, kids missed school, and many other people were terrified. IDK but this smells like punitive damages.

Legal Eagle should do a take on this.


Update: IDK wtf happened. I thought I was in the Trump golf course assassination attempt post in this community. I had even read the summary in the post before commenting. Maybe it’s an error with my client, maybe it’s user error. Anyway, I’m sorry for the confusion.

I know that this is beside the point but it probably wasn’t an AK47. AK47s are kinda rare. It was probably a Kalashnikov style riffle. https://youtube.com/watch?v=L_PR1OdS754


Oh I totally think you’re right in applying Hanlon’s razor here. The opposite would spell doom.

But sometimes you’ve got to wonder how incompetent can they be. And at those times “they’re not babbling buffoons, it’s a clever ruse” seems a plausible explanation. I mean Trump parading his mistress on the campaign trail, what the actual fuck?


Or, and I know it’s going to sound like a conspiracy theory, Trump picked JD because JD is so weird, and he knew that JD would tank. So when Trump drops JD it’ll give him a boost, like the one the democrats got when Biden dropped out. Trump has repeatedly kept lowering people’s expectations, to the point that if he somehow managed to put the round peg in the round hole, it would be a success. So imagine the boost Trump would get, for making the obvious decision to drop JD.

But that plan requires that Trump is able to play the long game, and stay quiet about it. Two things we know isn’t plausible.


Imagine thinking you got Lemmy by suggesting that Vietnam should have counter invaded America

  1. What? “You’ve got Lemmy” is that a parallel universe Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler movie?
  2. Total suicide mission, but Vietnam taking Portland, Oregon, would have been weird.