You should ask Jan these questions! And she also doesn’t make friends easily with women! In fact this whole comment could be written by me to you about Jan. So funny!
Btw you can tell me about Sarah filters all day! I don’t care! Tell me about all your sock puppet Reddit accounts where you would hype yourself up and direct people to your account! That is interesting stuff Jan!
Lmao ouch that hurts! Jk jk like I would care what sad hateful ladies like you think lmao Ragey? What is ragey? I’m curious. Did Jan pay all of you off to go along with her lies? Or do you all just have such crushes on her that you’ll do whatever she says?
Lmao there’s no rage Jan. Just curiosity! Trying to paint me as the crazy, ragey women is sad Jan. I know all your manipulative tricks and they don’t phase me! This is fun! You should check out my insta too! It’s Annie M Globel. I’m sure you understand the joke!