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I have fleas.

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I fear that I’m on this path. Like I don’t want to die, I just often find myself thinking how much of a pain in the ass it is to be alive. Right now, if I didn’t have children I’d be in a different place; the fact that I have others relying on me is enough to make me care. But I fear that once they are on their own, I won’t feel much reason to stick around. I’m actively working on mental health but I can’t shake this apathy in the deep down of my brain.


good, I’m glad. I saw it in the theater and the biggest thing I took away from it was an appreciation for not having overdone it. just a fun, nostolgic take on an old halloween classic with ultimately low stakes. hit just the right note as far as I’m concerned.

still 100 million is a lowered budget. sheesh.


I am a huge fan of immich, been running it for quite a while, it started as just phone photo backup but it’s good enough that I’ve made it my primary photo repository (fully backed up of course). I will absolutely pay for a license but count me as one who doesn’t really like the terminology used.

I would happily put a donated or supporter badge to show off, but the unlicensed just feels a bit wrong. I have no trouble paying for software, especially as useful as immich, but in the enshittifying world we live in, such language gives one pause.


I swear shit has gotten exponentially worse since I was young. For example, last year I suffered a brain injury, I have about a month of missing memory. During that month, my homeowners association sent notice that they were being sold to another management company and the autopay I’d been using for 5 years would be cancelled. I missed this notice due to being in the hospital with brain damage and so never got new payment switched over.

I’m used to companies being gracious and working with their customers. Instead I had a lawyer sicked on me and the paperwork to forclose my house was started. I wound up having to pay all their legal fees and penalties which was an order of magnitude more than the actuall missed payments.

This was the most painful one recently but this is par for the course. Someone else said it in this thread but it’s become a real dog eat dog world, something that used to be a folksy saying has now become a harsh reality.


I’ve been hoping I can pick one up off the salvage market when they inevitably close doors. I don’t give a shit about the AI part of it but I think the form factor could be fun to play with; for like $25 though.


I would love to try one. Not for $3500.


the fact that he’s angry and feeling betrayed is the problem. we don’t want a president who thinks he deserves it for himself, a president represents the people of a nation, not their own ego.

that’s why I’m so angry with biden. I’m sure he thinks he’s the best for the job, but read the room, have some self-reflection. sure it might be unfair to YOU personally that this is happening, but what YOU are doing to the country in response is arguably worse. I mean, I wasn’t going to vote for him due to his genocide cheerleading but I’m digging my heels in even further since he’s being such an obstinent fuck. if things are as dire as he’s telling us, why is he and the party more concerned with an old man’s feelings than the fate of this country?


setting the stage for the next coup attempt?


I honestly thought it was common knowledge that these things were essentially free labor for training AI.


I was not a harris booster previously but the biggest complaint I have about her, “Copmala” is actually a significant strength in this election. Then I started reading into her voting record. Combine that with her being a woman in the post roe v wade world, and a woman of color against the most xenophobic party that any of us have experienced and I think she’s EXACTLY what we need.
