
Space Station 14


Community stats

  • 5

    Monthly active users

  • 50


  • 0


SS14 Lemmy


  1. Don’t be a dick, and use common sense.

    • People are allowed to have opinions different from your own. You can disagree with someone without being a hostile asshole.
  2. Be civil. No harassment or offensive/abusive/hate speech content.

    • This includes “this is so offensive it’s clearly satire”.
  3. NSFW content is allowed ONLY in the context of certain discussions.

    • This leeway is granted if it’s in the context of an existing discussion and correctly spoiler tagged.
  4. Do not post anything that is illegal to upload in your area or is illegal to host in the USA.

  5. This is primarily an english-speaking community. Do not hold discussions or makes posts in languages other than English.