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Free Software


Free Software


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What is free software?

Free software is software that respects the 4 software freedoms. The 4 freedoms are

  • The freedom to run the run the program
  • The freedom to study the source code
  • The freedom to modify the source code
  • The freedom to distribute modified versions of the source code

Please note: Free software does not relate to monetary price. Free software can be sold or gratis (no cost)


  1. Please keep on topic
  2. Follow the rules
  3. No memes
  4. No “circle jerking” or inflammatory posts
  5. No discussion of illegal content

Please report anything you believe to violate the rules and be sure to include rhetoric on why you think it should be removed.

If you would like to contest mod actions please DM me with your rational as to why you feel that the relivant mod action should be reversed. Remember to use rhetoric and to site any relevant sources. You will only get one chance to argue your point and continued harassment will result in a ban.

Overall this community is pretty laid back and none if the things list above normally are an issue.

Community stats

  • 81

    Monthly active users

  • 65


  • 86


Community moderators

Welcome to - a community for like minded people to come and have a chat about almost anything. From games to tech, to anything else, come and have a chat.

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Instance Rules

To maintain the high standard of discourse and interaction we all value, each user must adhere to the guidelines outlined in our Code of Conduct. This set of rules is designed not just to maintain order but also to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to share their thoughts and ideas.

What to Expect in Our Code of Conduct:

  • Respectful Communication: We strive for positive, constructive dialogue and encourage all members to engage with one another in a courteous and understanding manner.
  • Inclusivity: Embracing diversity is at the core of our community. We welcome members from all walks of life and expect interactions to be conducted without discrimination.
  • Privacy: Your privacy is paramount. Please respect the privacy of others just as you expect yours to be treated. Personal information should never be shared without consent.
  • Integrity: We believe in the integrity of speech and action. As such, honesty is expected, and deceptive practices are strictly prohibited.
  • Collaboration: Whether you’re here to learn, teach, or simply engage in discussion, collaboration is key. Support your fellow members and contribute positively to shared learning and growth.

If you enjoy reading legal stuff, you can check out


If you would like to contribute to the upkeep of, please head over to OpenCollective.
Anything you’re happy to donate is very highly appreciated!
You’ll even get your name in the Thank You thread.

If you want to use PayPal, you can donate via Ko-Fi:
