Bug reports on any software


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When a bug tracker is inside the exclusive walled-gardens of MS Github or Gitlab.com, and you cannot or will not enter, where do you file your bug report? Here, of course. This is a refuge where you can report bugs that are otherwise unreportable due to technical or ethical constraints.

⚠of course there are no guarantees it will be seen by anyone relevant. Hopefully some kind souls will volunteer to proxy the reports.

Community stats

  • 34

    Monthly active users

  • 62


  • 18


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  1. Remember the human! (no harassment, threats, etc.)
  2. No racism or other discrimination
  3. No Nazis, QAnon or similar whackos and no endorsement of them
  4. No porn
  5. No ads or spam
  6. No content against Finnish law


  1. Muista ihminen! (ei häirintää, uhkailua, jne)
  2. Ei rasismia tai muuta syrjintää
  3. Ei natseja, QAnonia tai vastaavia hörhöjä eikä heidän tukemistaan
  4. Ei pornoa
  5. Ei mainoksia tai roskapostia
  6. Ei Suomen lain vastaista sisältöä

Matrix Space


Support and meta discussion / Tuki ja metakeskustelu: !meta@sopuli.xyz


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